Source top-notch talent effortlessly

Comprehensive Talent Acquisition and placement solutions to bolster your workforce.

Trijit's Screening & Interview process

At Trijit, we understand the importance of finding the right person for the job. That's why we've developed a multi-step interview process designed to efficiently assess a candidate's skills and experience while ensuring a positive candidate experience. Here's a breakdown of our approach:

1 - Streamlined Initial Screening

Our team of experienced technical recruiters will connect with candidates to discuss their background, experience, and interest in the role. This initial conversation focuses on understanding if a candidate possesses the fundamental qualifications and aligns with the core requirements of the position. It helps us identify promising candidates who deserve a deeper technical evaluation.


2 - Technical Interview with Delivery Managers

Shortlisted candidates will then progress to a video call interview with our Delivery Managers. This interview dives deeper into the technical skills and experience directly relevant to the specific position. Expect scenario-based and verbal Q&A questions designed to assess a candidate's problem-solving approach and technical knowledge in the context of the role.


3 - In-Depth Expertise Evaluation

We leverage the expertise of our in-house technical team – Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) working offshore from India – for a comprehensive evaluation (for external roles). These SMEs possess deep knowledge of the required technical stack and conduct in-depth technical interviews focusing on a candidate's specific expertise in that area. The interviews are also scenario-based and involve verbal Q&A. Please note: We don't incorporate hands-on coding challenges in this stage for external roles.


4 - Live Coding Panel Interview (For Internal Projects)

For internal projects where the interview process is completely internal, we add an additional step. This involves a panel interview where shortlisted candidates participate in a live coding challenge. During this round, candidates will be expected to code and explain their thought process and coding decisions in real-time, similar to a regular live coding test.


Please Note: For niche roles requiring specialized expertise, we partner with third-party interview agencies to supplement our internal team.

Why Us?


Replacement Guarantee

We understand that no matter how stringent the screening and recruitment process is, there is still going to be the element of risk that may result in the candidate not being able to fulfil the expectations. Our replacement guarantee as a Recruitment Agency covers you for any such risk of the candidate exiting the organisation within 30 days of joining.



Ensure compliance with labor laws, minimum wage regulations, and other statutory requirements effortlessly with our contract staffing services. Stay assured of full compliance with our comprehensive staffing solutions.



In today's volatile market landscape, organizations face challenges in scaling their workforce due to unpredictability. As a premier Staffing Agency, we empower organizations with agile and flexible temporary contract staffing solutions, mitigating hiring risks and enhancing operational adaptability.


Preferred Partner

We transcend the role of a mere staffing agency or vendor, striving to cultivate enduring and mutually beneficial partnerships. Our commitment to going the extra mile has consistently positioned us as the preferred staffing partner for the organizations we serve."

Our Staffing Services

Staffing Solutions

Find talented professionals for a wide range of positions across your company in either contract, contract-to-hire or direct hire scenarios.

RPO Solutions

Take a hands-off approach to sourcing and hiring the right individual for the job with Recruitment Process Outsourcing solutions from Trijit.

HR Consultancy & Advisory

Our team helps clients set up effective HR processes for the growth of their organizations. From Organizational restructuring to Leadership coaching to Labour Advisory and turnkey HR projects.

Contract Staffing

Trijit offers robust and well-planned contract staffing services to the companies.

Permanent Staffing

Securing enduring talent for your organization's long-term success through our permanent staffing solutions.

Recruitment Solutions

With our focussed & research driven methodology, and our network & access to the global talent pool, we add significant value to your hiring process & help you recruit the best talent.

Why Trijit?

• We ensure timely and high-quality placements, for contract, permanent, freelance, or temporary staff.
• We specialize in supporting UK visa requirements for contract hires as we have a UK visa sponsor license.
• We are a leading IT recruitment agency with a deep understanding of the UK & European IT market and its evolving needs.

We have a dedicated team of AI recruitment specialists with extensive experience in identifying and attracting top talent in the field of Artificial Intelligence

Contact Us

Leadership Hiring

Leadership hiring involves nuanced considerations that influence candidate selection or rejection. At Trijit, drawing on nearly a decade of industry experience, we leverage our extensive network and diverse data sources to identify top-tier C-level executives for our clients. Our dedicated Executive Search Consultants, carefully selected through rigorous interviews and client meetings, employ comprehensive methodologies informed by industry best practices, ensuring alignment with each client's unique values and objectives through transparent communication. Over the years, we have successfully placed leaders in roles such as CTO, VP Engineering, Director of Technology, HR Head, and Marketing Lead among others, for our esteemed clients.


Why Trijit is amongst one of the most Preferred Staffing
across 3 continents?

How are we different?

We differentiate ourselves by building long-term partnerships with our clients. This goes beyond just filling positions. Our team of seasoned IT leaders, with decades of experience, conducts in-depth technical interviews for every candidate. They assess not only skills but also cultural fit and alignment with your specific needs. We prioritize finding the best-fit talent who can make a lasting impact on your organization, ensuring a successful long-term partnership.

Building long-term relationships with our candidate pool is core to our approach. It's not just about placements; it's about fostering trust. Our leadership team actively maintains connections with candidates, developing genuine relationships that go beyond transactions. Over time, this has cultivated a personal level of trust, making us a trusted advisor for many top IT professionals in the UK. This deep understanding of their career goals allows us to connect them with the best opportunities, and through these successful placements, we build a network of exceptional talent that wouldn't be accessible through traditional recruitment methods.

Range of Services Offered by us

We connect leading companies with the top IT talent they need to thrive in today's dynamic tech landscape. Here's how we can help you:

1. Permanent Placement:
  • Our experienced recruiters find the perfect IT professionals to fill your critical roles, ensuring a seamless fit for your company culture and long-term goals.
2. Contract Staffing:
  • Need immediate IT expertise for a specific project? We provide access to a pool of highly skilled contractors to supplement your team and deliver results.
3. Executive Search:
  • For leadership positions that require a specialized skillset, we conduct targeted searches to identify top-tier IT executives who can drive strategic vision and growth.
4. Tech Talent Consulting:
  • Our team of experts can provide strategic guidance on building high-performing IT teams, developing talent acquisition strategies, and staying ahead of the evolving tech skills landscape.
5. Diversity & Inclusion Solutions:
  • We champion inclusivity within the IT workforce, partnering with you to attract and retain diverse talent that fosters innovation and success.

Beyond Staffing, we offer additional resources to empower your business:

6. Market Insights:
  • Stay informed about the latest IT hiring trends, salary benchmarks, and in-demand tech skills.
7. Candidate Interview Training:
  • We equip your hiring managers with the skills to conduct effective interviews and identify the best fit for your team.
8. Onboarding Support:
  • Ensure a smooth transition for your new hires with our onboarding resources and best practices.

Let us partner with you to build the IT dream team that propels your business forward.

Empowering Success: Our Commitment to Consultant Well-Being

Competitive Compensation & Benefits:

We offer competitive salaries, comprehensive benefits packages, and attractive incentives to recognize and reward top performers.

Professional Development Opportunities:

We invest in your growth by providing access to training programs, conferences, and certification opportunities to help you stay ahead of the curve.

Supportive Work Environment:

We foster a culture of collaboration, open communication, and respect. You'll have dedicated support teams and mentors to guide you throughout your engagements.

Work-Life Balance:

We understand the importance of maintaining a healthy balance. We offer flexible work arrangements and promote healthy work-life practices.

Regular Feedback & Recognition:

We value your contributions and provide regular feedback to help you improve. We also have programs in place to publicly recognize outstanding achievements.

Strong Community:

We cultivate a strong sense of community among our consultants through social events, networking opportunities, and knowledge-sharing initiatives.

Staffing FAQs

How can you help me find the right talent faster than traditional methods?

Our team of experienced recruiters leverage a robust network and advanced search tools to identify qualified candidates quickly. We try to understand your specific needs and company culture, allowing us to present only the most relevant talent, saving you valuable time and resources.

What are the benefits of using a staffing agency compared to hiring directly?

We handle the entire recruitment process, from candidate sourcing and screening to interview scheduling and reference checks. You save on costs associated with advertising, background checks, and onboarding, while gaining access to a wider pool of qualified candidates.

Do you offer temporary, contract, and permanent placement options?

Yes! We offer a full range of staffing solutions to meet your specific needs. Whether you require temporary support for a short-term project or need to fill a permanent role, we can help you find the perfect fit.

How do you ensure the quality of the candidates you present?

All candidates undergo a rigorous screening process, including skills assessments, reference checks, and in-depth interviews. We only present candidates who meet your qualifications and cultural requirements.

What are your fees for staffing services?

Our fees are transparent and competitive. We offer flexible fee structures to suit your budget, and we are always upfront about the costs involved. We believe in building long-term partnerships and focus on delivering a high return on your investment.

What are the legal considerations for hiring temporary workers in the UK?

We are well-versed in UK employment law and regulations regarding temporary staffing. We handle all legal aspects of the process, ensuring compliance and minimizing risks for your business.